Peer Rankings Of Advisors Based On Objective Measures Of Behavior & Professional Values Hot

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Advisors with a strong attendance record relative to their peers based on their ongoing A4A thought-leadership and professional education are now listed on This listing is good for consumers as well as the elite group of investment, tax, and financial planning professionals meeting the rigorous requirement of continuing education. is an online directory where consumers can search for a local financial advisor. To qualify for a listing, advisors were required to attend at least nine hours of professional education classes on A4A in 2018. 

Your Free Listing. Consumers can search by zip code for a local financial professional. Your listing displays information you supplied to A4A for your public profile -- your photo, name, email address, and a link to your website. Edit your profile by following these three steps or chat us 9 to 6 EST.

Advisor Ratings Based On Data. This is not a pay to play scheme or five-star rating gimmick. Advisor ratings are based on a key objective measure important to consumers. To be listed, you demonstrated a 12-month pattern of behavior. You have a history of pursuing financial wisdom based on research, analysis and facts. You've consistently shown a strong commitment to professional values in the best interest of consumers. 

Thought Leadership.  Every month, A4A offers at least three classes:  Fritz Meyer's fundamental analysis of financial economics;  Craig Israelsen, Ph.D.'s strategic investing research underpinning low-expense portfolio management best practices based on Modern Portfolio Theory; and Robert Keebler, CPA/PFS, a leading educator of legal and accounting professionals for three decades, who delivers tax and strategic planning tips for financial planning professionals. The continuing education (CE) credit content is moderated by Andrew Gluck, editor of Advisors4Advisors, a personal finance reporter since October 1983. A4A acts as a news feed for CFP®, CIMA®, CPA/PFS, and other financial professionals, and those eligible for continuing education accredited by the CFP Board, NASBA, and IWI.  

Modern Approach. A4A is a modern continuing education and news information service for financial professionals. A4A provides professional education with a point of view appealing to an elite, self-selected group of professionals who share common values and practice as fiduciaries. A4A emerged organically in October 2008 during the global financial crisis, and has been a ongoing disruptive force in the news and education business for financial professionals. Consumers benefit by using a professional's education record as a behavioral measure of the professional's commitment to excellence. A4A is a cutting-edge leader in the present-day movement among continuing education companies for providing high-level educational programs to CFPs, CIMAs, CFAs, and CPAs. As an organization, A4A enables retirement planning professionals to publish data about continuing education credits earned by that professional annually. This is a behavioral measure based on objective data showing a commitment to best practices for fiduciaries, as well as a way of connecting consumers with an elite group of investment, tax and financial planning professionals who embrace low-expense investing.           

Digital Badge. Download your digitally verifiable badge and post it on your website. A badge is evidence that you were among the top-third of credit earners in 2018, and demonstrates your dedication to a rigorous curriculum of financial, tax and investment planning continuing professional education classes taught by thought leaders with longstanding track records and impeccable credentials. Download your badge and post it on your website.

You, At Your Best. Your CE attendance record is a public snapshot of you at your best! It highlights your strong ongoing commitment relative to your peers, to attending classes taught by thought leaders in the profession and demonstrates a relentless pursuit on your part of what's in the best interest of consumers. Even the most humble practitioner can be proud to market on the basis of a stellar CE attendance record.

The Bigger Picture.  Recognizing professionals based on a strong pattern of continuing professional education credit is pushing the continuing education business to take a giant leap forward in employing transparency. By sponsoring courses accredited by the CFP Board, the IWI, and by NASBA, and by leveraging information science to benefit consumers, A4A has emerged as a leader in the professional education business and has accelerated the embracing of transparency while educating financial professionals. This is just one of the many ways in which we empower the best and brightest financial advisors to use organic marketing to help consumers.

 We've shared a lot with you here in the name of progress. Please let us know what you think.  

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