Advisors Were Among The Heroes Of 9/11. What Has This Industry Come To Mean To You Since That Day? Hot

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The 9/11 memorial was supposed to have been finished by this year’s memorial service.
But Mayor Bloomberg and governors in New York and New Jersey can’t seem to come to terms over who will be in charge of the Port Authority site.
The absence of officials was decided to prevent the squabbles from interfering with the remembrance.
Meanwhile, completion of the memorial is not expected to happen even by the time next year’s memorial rolls around.
But the exact date the bricks and mortar memorial is completed shouldn’t detract from our memories of the heroes from that day.
The New York police and fire departments, other public officials, and every person who survived, gave help in any form, or reached out to provide comfort on that day played a heroic part in that day’s events.
And there were many in our industry who also became heroes that day.
As maligned as our industry has become over the past few years, that day will forever be a symbol of America's prosperity and the freedom we have to pursue our own dreams.
Part of our reason for being in this business is to help our clients achieve their own dreams. That is a high calling. Those in our industry who died that day were in the midst of fulfilling that calling, as they did every day and as we continue to do.
Sometimes after so many years, people tend move beyond such times of trauma and national horror. But those times permanently affect our lives. We all remember where we were that day. If you would like to share your story, please do so.


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