Authorize Employees Who Can Speak Socially For Your Firm, Or Risk Embarrassment; Setting A Policy Makes It Easier To Benefit From SEO Hot

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What happens when an employee uses a company Google account to post a nasty review about another firm?

I recently came across such a situation. A low-level staffer of a former client posted a negative review of one of the company’s vendors.

The vendor contacted a top manager at the company and threatened to retaliate with a negative comment.

The company removed the negative comment about the vendor. The top partners at the company learned a valuable lesson about social media: companies, large and small, must authorize their official social media spokesmen, and no one else should represent your company.

Content Marketing

Firms need a policy authorizing who can and cannot speak for the company on social media. Setting a company policy on who can speak for your firm on social media is an important step in organizing your Web presence. Setting a policy on who can speak for your firm on social media can make it easier for a firm to benefit from social media.

In an advisory firm, the leader of the firm must ask the person responsible for marketing to designate a spokesman.  

In a two-person firm, that comes down to you or an assistant posting status updates. Even at that level, it’s important for a firm to get clarity on this issue.

Your credibility on the Web and, thus, your search engine ranking is at stake. Your firm’s social profile is at stake.

If you delegate social media updating tasks to an assistant, do it thoughtfully. Talk about which social media you’re going to utilize. Be specific about the frequency of updates to different social sites.

To promote your content and views, will your firm be posting comments to blogs likely to be read by your target market? This can be time-consuming, but links to your website determine your “link popularity,” a key element in search engine rankings.

Creating helpful links to your blog makes you more likely to get noticed in search engines. (This assumes you have taken care of SEO basics, such as registering with Google Places.)

Setting a policy on who can speak for your advisory firm on social media will make it easier to implement a social media content marketing strategy and, thus, makes you more likely you’ll benefit from improved search engine rankings.


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