How To Talk To Clients In A Post-Crisis World


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(Updated: March 18, 2010)
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(Updated: March 18, 2010)
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It's a brilliant concept and is a shift in the right direction, but I don't see how this can realistically be implemented. Maybe this will be addressed in your beta testing, and I would be interested in hearing the answers. Some of the questions I have include:

1) Would a person with 8 goals and a $1M IRA have to open up 8 IRA's worth $125K each? That would seem impractical, but not splitting the account is what most advisors are already doing.

Continued below...

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(Updated: March 18, 2010)
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It's a great and simple concept. Some of the early questions/comments tried to make it more complex than it is.

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(Updated: March 18, 2010)
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Good seminar, obvious some of us needed to get our heads around his concept instead of looking directly at the mechanics of portfolio construction and software usuage.

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(Updated: March 18, 2010)
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95 results - showing 31 - 35  
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