Good program overall. the "appearance" the short videos -- all very professionally done and I left moneytree to take full advantage of an interfaced (connections to accounts) program that uses a FP platform... so I don't have to "update" accounts prior to reviews; clients can hop on screen; moving to more virtually and more frequent reviews. This is a very smooth looking platform. Love it.
User Review
The Good
Very comprehensive. I'm one year in and still do not fully use/understand all. I really like the program and would highly recommend. The financial reports emailed weekly, the decision center... all very good.
The Bad
It's complex. It needs plenty of time before you can enroll clients.
The price is a bit hefty, but good customer service. Some first line folks are a bit slow in understanding the program themselves, but higher levels are on point.
The Bottom Line
Full-bodied approach to planning that takes a good bit of time to simplify for your client -- AND for your client to use with some semblance of skill
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