Trade Associations

Will There Be Enough CFPs To Replace Those Retiring?
Forrest Gump was fond of saying, “I’m not a smart man, but….” Well, I'm inclined to repeat that phrase, especially when I look at the table and bar graph below that shows the percent of people holding the CFP designation by age. (See also CFP® Certificant Profile.) Age Number Percentage No age given 3534

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NAPFA Elects New Chair To Replace Rhoades
NAPFA announced it elected a new chair, Lauren Locker, CFP, to fill the position recently vacated when another advisor who was set to take the reins stepped down due to a regulatory paperwork glitch.

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Most Advisors Favor CFP Board’s Proposal To Grant CE for Practice Management
  The majority of advisors are in favor of the CFP Board’s recent proposal to grant continuing education credit for practice management content, according to an informal A4A survey. Slightly less than half are against it while some are seemingly indifferent. As reported on Advisors4Advisors, the CFP Board of Standards is requesting comment on proposed revisions to its continuing education requirement for CFP certification renewal. Among the proposed changes, the CFP Board would grant up to four hours of CE credit per renewal period for practice management programs or pro bono deliv

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Lay Leaders Applaud Marv Tuttle Long-time Director of FPA; Reflect On His Career As A Great Leader, Advocate for Standard of Care, and Thought Leader
Past lay leaders of the Financial Planning Association (FPA) are praising Marv Tuttle who this week announced that he will retire in October as head of one the nation’s largest professional associations for those who hold themselves out to be financial planners. Tuttle, who has been the executive director of the FPA since its founding in 2000, announced earlier this year his plan to retire in 2014, but this week he unexpectedly moved up his retirement date by two years. (He will step down officially during the FPA’s annual general membership meeting in October.) To be sure, there

The Sad Irony Of Ron Rhoades’ Resignation As NAPFA’s Chairman-Elect; Brought Low For Making A Careless Mistake, He’s Paying For The Sins Of Others
I don’t know Ron Rhoades but my heart goes out to him. He was forced to resign as NAPFA’s chairman-elect earlier this week because of a careless compliance mistake. He’s been publicly embarrassed and hurt financially because of a minor infraction, and Rhoades put himself through all this to spare NAPFA embarrassment.

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