Excel Tips And Tricks


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ok - need specific applications for investment advisors

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Not enough time to absorb the newly learned material and therefore follow thru to the end

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Really wonderful and entertaining presentation which somehow (probably through humor) managed to keep my attention throughout. Although I am a novice user of Excel, and know virtually nothing, I was nonetheless interested in following Jim's explanations and demonstrations. I think that the offer Jim and A4A have made to have access to 40 hours of CE credit (if I'm correct on that number) for $99 is an absolute no-brainer for anyone who uses Excel. Thank you for introducing Jim to the A4A audience.

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I picked up a couple of tips I could use right away. I think it would be more helpful for advisors if a program like this was geard more towards the kinds of things that advisors use Excel for. Today seemed more geared toward a sales maagement function vs advisor functionality.

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26 results - showing 1 - 5  
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