User Review
The Good
Great integration with several high-end software programs for the industry. Definitely a bargain as far as functionality and pricing. Another thing that Redtail has that we really utilize is the fact that there is an active community of users where you can interact with people to get ideas and you have the chance to talk about changes with the head guys at the company.
The Bad
Checklist and workflows are lacking flexibility and can be cumbersome. Another item that can be improved is for actions (or checklist to-do items) to be listed on a user's calendar instead of being hidden on a sub-menu. There is a need for improvement for checking off items that you have as action items. You go into too many screens to check off that an items is complete on their checklists. Support can sometimes be slow, but most of the time they are ok.
The Bottom Line
Great price, lots of integrations, and gets the job done as a CRM.