Why Is Advisors4Advisors Donating To Bubbles The Clown's Charitable Organization? Hot
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Bubbles was listed among the top 25 in GreatNonProfits.org’s ratings of charities. As I scanned the list of top-rated national charities—with names and missions that were sobering, serious, and noble—there was Bubbles the Clown. It stuck out. It was a purple cow.
“I work with grad students who are looking for jobs,” Kate D said in her review of Bubbles The Clown’s charity, It’s About The Kids Education Organization Inc. “Too often they are loaded with debt and cannot avoid taking jobs they don't want because they have to start paying off their loans. If these very smart people had gotten the message from Bubbles the Clown when they were young about saving money, they might have avoided the problems they are facing now.”
Reviews that followed were filled with similarly stirring personal stories from people who had seen Bubbles The Clown’s act.
Bubbles the Clown’s real name is David Felzenberg. A professional clown for over 25 years, Felzenberg is a “mensch,” which is Yiddush for “really good guy.”
Sure, Felzenberg also does private parties—birthdays for children, Bar Mitzvahs, church gatherings, and other such gigs, and professional clowning is indeed the way he supports himself.
But Felzenberg went beyond the call of duty as a professional clown—and thus merits “mensch” status— by creating a financial literacy program for three- to eight-years old children. Bubbles has a 75-minute show teaching kids in inner cities fundamental lessons about money. Felzenberg has done the act in elementary schools in some of Baltimore’s toughest neighborhoods.
With your help, I would like to try to help Felzenberg take his act nationally. Bubbles’ lessons about money management teach kids about the meaning of a dollar and the importance of saving. For most children, it’s the first time anyone has ever tried to teach them a lesson on money.
So here’s the deal: If you join Advisors4Advisors (A4A) now, we will donate $20 of our tiny $60 annual membership fee to Bubbles The Clown’s financial literacy program.
I first posted this offer about two weeks ago, and subscriptions are way up since then. Thank you!
A4A has about 4000 subscribers but more than twice as many monthly unique visitors. So a bunch of advisors are visiting A4A daily but not paying our pitifully low $60 annual fee.
I am hoping this offer—which makes winners of you, me, Bubbles, and children— will persuade you to join.
And, by the way, you can also bring Bubbles to your town to conduct his financial literacy class for children. For $1500 (plus travel expenses), Felzenberg will come to your community. You can host an “open house” featuring Bubbles. While the kids attend Bubbles’ financial literacy show, you meet their parents and grandparents.
To learn more about bringing Bubbles to your town, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. (Bubbles has voluntarily submitted to a background check by the FBI and Maryland State Police.)
One other benefit to those joining A4A now to take advantage of our partnership with Bubbles: You can post a logo on your website like the one at the bottom right saying you support Bubbles' charitable organization and link to Bubbles so help him spread his financial literacy mess to children.
That’s why A4A is donating to Bubbles the Clown’s charitable organization.
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